A tree as big as a person’s embrace begins as a tiny shoot. A terrace nine stories high rises from a shovelful of earth. A journey of a thousand miles begins under your feet.

General Contact
Open Form »To ensure a smooth and effective process, please leave your contact information and a brief message. To better coordinate the various requests and ensure the fastest possible response, we have provided dedicated contact forms for individual collectors and commercial requests.
Individual Collectors
Open Form »This dedicated form is suitable for individual collectors interested in commissioning or purchasing artwork. Specifying your location will allow us to expedite the process by connecting you with the representative who can best assist you with your inquiry.
Commercial Inquiry
Open Form »This dedicated form is suitable for companies, professionals, and organizations such as museums, galleries, designers, architects, media, public institutions, event organizers, and other commercial entities interested in commissioning or acquiring artwork or collaborating with the artist.